971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Seeds of Change

After the worst winter the city has had in a long time, Portland is waking up. Within a week of the vernal equinox, buds are on the trees, flowers are blooming, and color is starting to radiate against the perennial green and grey of Stumptown.

The past 6 months has been an immense period of transition. Both personally and in my practice, every person I know has been presented with a significant challenge in their life during this timeframe. For some it’s about the health of their body. For others it’s a change in relationship, home, job, or family. It has been an opportunity to change perspective, to stand up for what’s right, and to make a choice to let go of that which no longer serves.

Each year Spring reminds us that as long and dark as the winter might have been, it was necessary to cultivate these seeds of change. This is the time to choose which seeds to plant, which ones to water, and which ones we want to see grow.