971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


The Foundation is Tone

“The principles of Chiropractic should be known and utilized in the growth of the infant and continue as a safeguard throughout life.”

— D.D. Palmer

At the turn of the last century, D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, proposed that tension (too much or too little) on the “neuroskeleton” altered the function of every organ and system in the body. He found through decades of hands-on work and study of the the various healing modalities of his time that adjusting the spine had a direct and predictable impact on the function and health of the people he saw.

The principles of Chiropractic outline a vitalistic and salutogenic approach to health and healing. The body is a self-healing organism. The body’s ability to regulate normal function depends on clear communication in and through the nervous system. Interference to this communication is often manifested as subluxations (local areas of stress and restricted movement) in the spine. Adjusting these areas and their associated patterns of tension allows the body to develop, repair, and adapt with greater ease and efficiency.

These principles apply to all humans, including and especially young ones. The “safeguard” referenced above is about the opportunity to allow a developing nervous system to be free from unnecessary physiological stress. It refers to the immeasurable benefit of supporting the innate capacity to adapt. It is a powerful way to help “prepare the child for the road,” recognizing that “uncertainty is chronic…instability is permanent, and disruption is common.

The reason I am such a strong proponent of these principles is that I see them in practice every day. I learned them by experience as a chiro kid and I witness them now as a papa. It is the tone we set now that becomes the foundation of what is to come.