971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Process and Return

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

— Viktor Frankl

The total lunar eclipse last night was a reminder that the alignment of bodies is always a temporary phenomenon. The silence of the still point, the momentary pause in which everything is just so connects us to limitless (re)Source. In our human bodies, this is analogous to a return to a regenerative parasympathetic state, in which we “rest and digest.”

Far from a fixed point or a straight line, we express health and wellness in a dynamic process, characterized by motion and change. Our objective in chiropractic, therefore, is to promote our adaptive ability to move and change. We find balance by returning to center after we’ve been away.

Just as the flow of blood in the body moves in a circle (“circulation”) throughout the body, it returns to and emanates from the heart. There is a pause between stimulus and response, between beats, between moments. It rarely lasts long and doesn’t need to. It is the gift of the present.