971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Yoga and Chiropractic

I often connect yoga with chiropractic as examples of disciplines that are often narrowly understood. Is yoga a form of exercise? Yes. Is it therapeutic? Yes. Do you need special clothing to practice it? Not really. But, here’s the thing - the purpose of yoga is not physical fitness. You can use asana as an exercise, but that is not its sole or primary function.

Similarly, the purpose of chiropractic is not relief of neck and back pain. It is certainly effective in addressing these and other musculoskeletal issues, but this is not and never has been its sole or primary function.

Like yoga, there is a science, philosophy, and art that informs the practice of chiropractic. Simply, the energy of life that sustains and coordinates health and harmony in the body transits the nervous system. When there is interference with the conversation between the brain and any part of the body, we experience dis-ease/dis-order. Chiropractic identifies where and how this interference is affecting the nervous system (often in the spine), and offers a specific signal in the form of an adjustment to help reestablish equilibrium.

This perspective means chiropractic is not a treatment for a condition any more than yoga is a marketing vehicle for stretchy pants. When we acknowledge that freedom, clarity, sanity, coherence - the expression and experience of intelligence in matter - is the objective, we can see that the therapeutic aspects are a natural and downstream effect from starting closer to the Source.