971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Ease and Dis-ease

Our experience of life and the world around us is mediated by our senses. Our senses feed this experience to the brain along the channels of the nervous system. The brain then takes that information, processes it, and sends signals back into the body directing the tissues, organs, and organ systems how to respond. When this occurs with coordination and balance, a healthy nervous system adapts to the stresses presented to it. When there is interference with this loop, with the communication between the brain and the body, the ability to coordinate and efficiently respond to stress is reduced. More energy is required to perform the same vital functions. Less energy is available to go above and beyond vital tasks (see: Autonomic NS) and there is a shift from responding to stress to reacting to stress.

Another way to describe this lower energy state is dis-ease. Dis-ease is the precursor - the intermediate step - between health and ill health. It is a state in which there may or may not be pain or symptoms associated with a condition or diagnosis, but the body is exerting excess effort to maintain balance. From a clinical perspective, dis-ease is observable and can be measured by assessing where and how these areas of imbalance are affecting normal, healthy function in the body.

For me, chiropractic offers the invaluable service of supporting people by promoting communication within their bodies. Supporting the health of the nervous system has a positive impact on how folks relate to themselves, their environment, and the stresses of both. As with all relationships, when there is ease, balance, and clarity with communication, life is better.