971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Why The Tortoise Wins

Aesop’s fable about a tortoise who challenges a boastful hare to a foot race has several interpretations. Some consider the negative consequences of overconfidence, others the virtue of perseverance, and others still that speed and haste do not always yield victory.

I was recently in the Columbia River Gorge on a trail that was leading up to the mouth of a waterfall. There is an epic beauty to the glacially carved stretch of that river and a deep sense of geologic time. Being there affords a natural shift in perspective.

At one point I stopped along the wall and watched a tiny caterpillar effortlessly descend a vertical route that would be impossible for most other creatures. As it moved, every segment of its body unfurled like a wave in perfect coordination, each point of contact from its many legs perfectly positioned to continue the descent. There was no haste.

It reminded me of the Somato-Psychic Wave of Network Spinal Analysis and also of the tortoise, but with a new interpretation. The tortoise wins the race with the hare because by moving at his natural pace he has already won. His competition is not with the hare, who he cannot possibly beat in a race, but rather with himself - “because he competes with no one, no one can compete with him.” I believe the tortoise wins because he knows his true nature, lives in congruence with it, and because he undoubtedly stops to smell the succulents.