971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Pregnancy and Chiropractic

The role of chiropractic during pregnancy is to support the spine and nervous system of mom as she undergoes profound change. For me, chiropractic has always been a family affair. My mom began her chiropractic practice shortly before she was pregnant with me. One of the greatest gifts I have received is to have been immersed in chiropractic my entire life - in the field of caring for families, in the embodied practice of service, and trust in the wisdom of the body. To offer a service and a perspective grounded in the innate intelligence of the body, the gentle discipline of Network, and as a father is central to how I practice chiropractic. The health of our children is very literally the health of our future. Supporting the process of life as it unfolds is the essence of chiropractic. This is nowhere more obvious, vital, and beautiful than during pregnancy.

For more resources about pregnancy and chiropractic, check out the Pregnancy Page here.