971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR

Pregnancy Resource

Pregnancy Resource Page


The role of chiropractic during pregnancy is to support the spine and nervous system of mom as she undergoes profound change. For me, chiropractic has always been a family affair. My mom began her chiropractic practice shortly before she was pregnant with me. One of the greatest gifts I have received is to have been immersed in chiropractic my entire life - in the field of caring for families, in the embodied practice of service, and trust in the wisdom of the body. To offer a service and a perspective grounded in the innate intelligence of the body, the gentle discipline of Network, and as a father, is central to how I practice chiropractic. The health of our children is very literally the health of our future. Supporting the process of life as it unfolds is the essence of chiropractic. This is nowhere more obvious, vital, and beautiful than during pregnancy.

Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is an analysis and adjustment of the sacrum. The sacrum is the triangular bone at the base of the spine. As pregnancy progresses and the joints and ligaments become more lax to allow for the growth of baby, the mechanical strain on the pelvis can create misalignments in the hips and lower spine. These misalignments, in chiropractic referred to as subluxations, exert undo stress on the architecture of the bones, muscles, and fascia in the low back. Between gravity, increased weight, and the compression of the abdominal organs as the womb expands, even small misalignments can feel uncomfortable. Most importantly, subluxations impact the nerve and blood supply to the organs they feed. During pregnancy, improving spinal alignment, helping the coordination of movement in the hips and pelvis, and releasing excess soft tissue pull allows mom to carry and deliver with more ease. Chiropractic in general and the Webster Technique in particular focus on adjusting subluxations to facilitate the expression of nerve and blood flow (i.e. life) to the womb.

Dr. Dan reviews ways to support posture in the seated position during pregnancy.


I began seeing Dr. Dan Mutter at 14 weeks of my first pregnancy. I had been seeing him on and off for a few years but made a commitment during pregnancy to make chiropractic care a priority. I cannot emphasize enough what a safe, comfortable and educational environment Dr. Dan creates for patients. He has a wealth of knowledge as it pertains to the pregnant body and I feel so fortunate that I was able to have consistent chiropractic care during my pregnancy. I would recommend his practice for anyone seeking prenatal and postpartum care!
— Emma F.
I went to Dr. Mutter during my pregnancy. I am a massage therapist and yoga instructor who specializes in pregnancy. I know that common aches and pains are normal during pregnancy. I also know that these common aches and pains can be relieved and it is not necessary to suffer through pregnancy. I felt supported during my pregnancy by Dr. Mutter. I would come in about every month to relieve these aches and pains. To be specific I was having a hard time breathing, neck and pelvic pain. I would leave feeling like I could take full breaths and the pain in my pelvis and neck would subside. As I got close to my due date I came in more regularly to make sure that my pelvis was in alignment. I wanted to make sure that my baby and myself had the easiest passage for birth. I would highly recommend pregnant women getting physical support through alignment with Dr. Mutter.
— Tanya W.
I felt reassured that I was giving my nervous system the tools it needed to help me feel grounded and present during this sacred time. I felt Dr. Dan had an intuitive knowledge of my baby and how he was positioned and overall. I always felt lighter and more optimistic every time I left the office. Dr. Dan gave posture suggestions and tips to help optimize my baby’s position and explained it in a way that made sense to me. It was comforting having Dr. Dan as a part of my support team and being under care was an absolute gift during one of the most transformational points of my life!
— Lizzy A.